
For harvest this year we concentrated on making a financial gift to the agricultural charity we support – Operation Agri. With the offering made in the service and profit from the harvest lunch, we raised £151 for them. We also all brought gifts of food items for the foodbank. One of the surprises for me was to see dog food amongst the food offering (you can see it on the far left). Mandi had looked up what foodbanks typically want and on the list was dog food. ‘Dogs get hungry too’ she said. I have donated food for similar causes for years, but it had never ever occurred to me that people going to food banks would need dog food. We own two dogs so it should have been obvious, but it wasn’t.

It is the same with Operation Agri. Their presentation gave a little insight into their work in Sri Lanka and was quite uplifting. We often don’t understand the problems people face and how offering small help can make huge change people’s lives. As a chapel we want to do that in our own community. We want to help each other and those around us.

After all that fundraising we were all hungry and went into the Chapel Hall for a harvest meal including fruit crumbles and pies baked by some of the ladies. It was mean to be a light meal, but everyone was well and truly full by the time they left! That is what harvest is about. We celebrate what we have been given and share some of it with those who are not as well blessed.

Harvest Lunch
Union Chapel Weston Turville harvest