Jerry & Jayne don’t tie a knot.

How many humans does it take to tie a knot?  Eighty-five is not enough it seems.

We knew something was happening when some of the regular humans arrived on the wrong day and started to decorate our house.  There was a garland across the balcony, flowers in the windows and much moving of furniture.

Usually when they do that, it is harvest festival or something, but we heard them saying that Jerry and Jayne were tying a knot.  Why that was special and why they were tying it they never explained.  Anyway, after a while they all left, and we hoped that was that. 

Not so.  The next morning completely  different humans began to arrive.  My family and I ran up to the balcony to be out of the way, but some of them followed us up.  We were trapped and couldn’t escape!  More and more humans came, and more and more of them stomped their way onto the balcony.

We were worried and I think the regular humans were too.  Some of the deacon-humans sat in the back room to watch and I think they were on guard to make sure everyone behaved themselves.

I got very confused.  Jerry and Jayne signed a book and got a certificate to say the knot had been tied, but we never saw them do it.  There was no string and no knots in sight.  Why was everyone so happy when the main event did not happen?

Then they all got up and went. Some of the humans threw little shapes of paper at Jerry when he left.  Were they protesting because he had forgotten the string? My wife was cross with the mess on the floor and crosser still because the deacon-humans that had been on guard didn’t even try to stop them. 

All the humans left smiling, and we were left traumatised.  Thank goodness the man at the front said the knot would last a lifetime. We wouldn’t want to go through that again, would we!