It is always hard to describe a church or what a church is about. Perhaps the main thing for us is that we are not just an openly friendly church, we are all friends. We are a small congregation of mainly older people, but we are young at heart and enthusiastically looking to the future not the past.
We do not have a pastor – we look after each other and share the load of running the church and taking the services. Don’t join us on a Sunday if you want everything pitch perfect and working to plan. Don’t join us if you are not willing to laugh during the service or think that preachers only ask rhetorical questions. Don’t join us because we have all the answers. Join us if you want to meet a group of people who come together to work out what it means to be Christians and how to navigate through the ups and downs of life. We don’t have all the answers, but we know where to ask and are committed to supporting each other.
So perhaps the long and short of it is we are a group of Christian friends looking for more friends. And perhaps it is time for you to come and befriend us.